Graduate School of Public and Development Management


The Master in Public Management (MPM) is a 39-unit interdisciplinary graduate program for public sector practitioners and professionals. It incorporates the Academy’s distinctive features of combining both theoretical and practical cum functional competencies, as well as building stewardship values. Graduates are envisioned to become reform implementers and effective public managers who will serve as change catalysts in their respective areas or agencies.

Program Objectives

The MPM program aims to enhance the capabilities of the students in playing their complex roles and performing multi-dimensional functions as public managers, committed leaders or ordinary team players in their respective organization. Through the program, students shall be able to:

1. Critically examine public and development issues and concerns that confront public servants at the national and local levels;

2. Apply appropriate leadership and management strategies in designing, planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating public policies, programs, projects, and interventions at the national and local levels; and

3. Live out the principles of effective and efficient public governance, such as transparency and accountability, integrity, sound ethics, commitment to public service, among others. 

Program Curriculum

The MPM program is designed to be  taken in a ‘ladderized mode’ in which the students earn credit units after the completion of a set of  courses.

Core Courses (15 Units)

PMC-201 Public Management: Theories, Principles and Innovations

PMC-202 Philippine Administrative System and Governance

PMC-203 Public Policy Analysis

PMC-204 Personal Efficacy and Leadership

PMC 205: APP 1 (Research Methods in Public Management 1)

Major Courses (21 Units)

PMM-211 Public Sector Human Resource Management and Development

PMM-212 Public Finance and Budgeting

PMM-213 Economics and Sustainable Human Development

PMM-214 Program Administration and Quality Management

PMM-215 Strategic E-governance in the Public Sector

PMM-216 Strategic Communication Governance

PMM-217 Special Topics in Public Management

APP (Thesis Equivalent) (3 Units)

PM 300: APP 2 (Research Methods in Public Management 2)

The Action Plan Project (APP)

The APP is the final academic requirement of DAP’s graduate programs. The APP is both an action research and a scholarly report that aims to respond to or resolve a public management problem in the student’s organization in a manner acceptable to both communities of practitioners and scholars. Students are expected to demonstrate competencies acquired from the program, such as their ability to manage people, resources, time and performance, through the findings or results of their research.

To ensure the quality and academic rigor of the APP, the student has to face a panel of experts during the proposal defense and final defense. The panel evaluates the performance of the student during the oral presentation, the quality of the write-up, the characteristics of the APP as being pro-poor, developmental and high- impact, and the level of innovativeness of the APP. Students are given 3-4 months to finish their APP.

Program Methodology

The program will employ adult learning methodology and apply adult learning principles. This means a combination of faculty and resource person inputs, demonstrations, case discussions, readings, workshops, individual and syndicated assignments including the experience of the Action Plan and Project. These aim to engage the students in an active-reflective learning mode to elicit insights that will trigger the change of mind set from doing the usual to thinking “out-of-the box” in the exploration of better reforms to develop. 

Duration and Venue

The Program will run for 14-16 months of continuous study. Reading materials, exercises and other requirements will be sent via the Internet if and when the faculty and resource persons deem applicable. Classes can be held at DAP Pasig, DAP Tagaytay or another venue as may be agreed upon by DAP and the client(s) or students. 


Faculty and/or Resource Persons of the Program will come from DAP’s renowned pool of experts and alumni, as well as practitioners from public and private organizations.

Development Academy of the Philippines
Graduate School of Public and Development Management
DAP Building, San Miguel Ave., Ortigas Center, Pasig City
Tel No: 8-631-2167 | 8-631-0921
