The Master in Productivity and Quality Management (MPQM), the first of its kind in the country, seeks to develop a corps of Productivity & Quality (P&Q) professionals who will advocate and institutionalize productivity and quality improvement as a way of life at the organizational, industry, and national levels.
MPQM graduates are envisioned to assume leadership roles through competencies developed in the program. They will enable globally competitive organizations and sectors to bring growth and prosperity to communities and eventually to the nation as a whole.
The MPQM curriculum adopts the PDCA (P-lan, D-o, C-heck, A-ct) Framework. PDCA is a continuous quality improvement model that consists of a logical sequence of four repetitive steps for continuous improvement and learning. The very essence of P&Q is continuous improvement leading to performance excellence, demonstrated in terms of competitiveness at the macro (national), meso (industry), and micro (enterprise) levels.
For more information on the MPQM curriculum, please contact GSPDM at 02-86312119 loc. 141.